Research Step by Step 3: Methodology

Research Step by Step 3: Methodology

Justifying the choices you made

Compiled for the IP 2018 Groningen@Krakow

The methodology section of your paper should present the underlying assumptions of your approach to studying your research topic. This includes describing the theoretical concepts that guided your research, and reviewing their relevance for examining your research problem. You could do so by presenting and discussing the methods which other scholars have used to study the topic, but you also need to establish how this connects to your own data. It is crucial that you select a method which is appropriate for the overall aims of your research project. That is why you need to justify the specific methods you have chosen to gather your data. What tools and techniques did you use to identify, collect and select your data? Here you can also present the possible limitations of your research project, or discuss the problems you encountered (and the way you tried to minimize them). Last but not least, you have to provide justifications for the processes you have used to analyse and interpret the data.