Mapping Inequality & Solidarity

Mapping Inequality & Solidarity

Create a joint world map of inequality and solidarity

Please complete this assignment by December 10, 2018. 

To start mapping the topic we have designed a little task for you.
We would like you to start thinking about solidarity and inequality. What comes to your mind when you hear these terms? Have you read or heard about cases of solidarity or inequality, ways to establish solidarity or fight inequality? Have you encountered either of them yourself or have you ever taken part in some initiative dealing with them?
We ask you to think of current examples, but also to recall your memories. Please use your creativity to try to look at the topic from different perspectives and think beyond the obvious. 
Once you have gathered your first ideas, we would then like you to locate them on a world map, thus creating a joint map full of examples and places you associate with solidarity or inequality that can serve as a first overview of the IP topic or as inspiration for your IP paper.
In case the words solidarity and injustice arouse only vague associations for you at the moment, don’t worry. We have given you some examples to get you started, but they are by no means exhaustive, of course.
Overview & Instructions to Use the Map
1. Think of an example of solidarity or inequality.
2. Go to the map „Inequality and Solidarity“ following this link
(not need to sign in to edit the map).
3. Pin your example of solidarity or inequality to a place you associate it with (you might choose the place where a certain example of solidarity/ inequality is located or a place that you associate with your example):
  • To add a new location, click on the “Add Marker” icon (the inverted teardrop) and then click on the location you would like to map. A new location marker appears.
  • Title the new marker either solidarity or inequality plus a short caption in the box that appears.
  • Add a short description of your example of solidarity or inequality.
  • Optional: If you know of an interesting article, academic paper or picture relating to your example, please add it as well in the description part.
  • Save your marker.
  • Now you can choose a style for your marker: please select light blue for solidarity and orange for inequality.
4. Follow the contributions of your fellow students – the map might inspire you for your IP paper. The map will also be embedded on the IP website so you can find it easily.